Special Session I: Additive Manufacturing.
Interest in additive techniques has grown swiftly as applications have progressed from rapid prototyping to the production of end-use products. Additive components can now use metals, polymers, composites, or other powders to print a range of functional components, layer by layer, including complex structures/cellular materials that cannot be manufactured by other means. The aim of the meeting within the session Additive manufacturing is to enable experts, pedagogical and scientific researchers to present the results achieved in their activities, to exchange experiences and to establish working contacts among the participants. This meeting is organized with the support of the projects
* "APVV-19-0550 Investigation of cellular material properties"
* "KEGA 005TUKE-4/2021 Development of professional competencies and computer skills of teachers and students with regard to advanced techniques of design, production and simulation of the behaviour of components produced by 3D printing technology"
* "2021-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000031182 ErgoDesign-lmproving digital skills for Ergonomics and Bioengineering lnnovations for inclusive Health Care"
Authors are invited to present their research concerning topics related to the fracture and failure of 3D printed materials and structures. The objectives of the session are focused, but not limited on
* Influence of manufacturing/technological conditions on the quality of 3D printed parts
* Life cycle assessment of additively produced products
* Analyses and simulations
* Failure/fracture modes and criterion
* Failure prediction and prevention
* Testing and defects detecting
* Application of AM parts in real practice
Please submit paper here https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icmae2025 and choose special session 1. Additive Manufacturing.
Technical Sponsored by
Hosted by
Dr. Katarina Monkova
Prof. Dr. Katarina Monkova has been inaugurated in the field of Mechanical Engineering, currently acting as a Professor of Production Engineering. Her theoretical knowledge and extensive activities for industrial enterprises enable her to combine scientific and professional activities in the fields of production engineering and technical devices/mechanisms design with areas of her interest such as analyses & simulation of technical components or cellular materials. She is a member of international scientific organizations; a member, steering co-chair and chairperson of scientific committees at domestic and foreign conferences, as well as a member of evaluation and graduation committees. She is also a member of Editorial Boards of several journals and a reviewer of articles in many distinguished journals (also registered in CC, WoS, and Scopus databases). During her long-term work at FMT TU Košice with the seat in Prešov, she was a responsible researcher and a member of teams in many international and domestic projects. Currently, she is an author of more than 300 publications at home and abroad, with more than 280 citations in the WoS and SCOPUS databases.
Email: katarina.monkova@tuke.sk