Invite Speaker I:
"Experimental and Numerical Study on of 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Composite Cylindrical Shell under Axial Loading "
Abstract: This study provides a comprehensive investigation of an additively manufactured structure through both experimental and numerical analyses of a composite cylindrical shell structure. Prior to a shell compression experiment on an additively manufactured composite cylindrical shell, the material properties of the matrix and reinforcement materials were measured according to ASTM standards, including longitudinal tension, transverse tension and in-plane shear tests. The measured material properties were assigned to the numerical analysis of the composite cylindrical shell. However, there were significant differences between the experimental and numerical analysis results. To explain these differences, compensated material properties according to fiber volume fraction measurement and the concept of the layer interfacial sliding effect were introduced. Cross-sectional images of specimens were captured using a digital microscope and used for the fiber volume fraction measurement. Additionally, the layer interfacial sliding effect was introduced to explain the buckling load reduction phenomena and the delamination between layers. For the real-world application of additive manufacturing for composite structures, these characteristics need to be considered thoroughly.
Dr. Nam Seo Goo graduated from department of Aeronautics Engineering of Seoul National University with honors in 1990, and got master and Ph. D degrees in department of Aerospace Engineering at the same university in 1992 and 1996, respectively. His Ph. D. degree was on the structural dynamics of aerospace systems. As soon as he got a Ph. D. degree, he entered the Agency for Defense Development as a senior researcher. He joined Department of Aerospace Engineering in Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea in 2002. currently serving a professor of Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He was nominated as a Young Scientist by Korea Science & Engineering Foundation, in 2003 and received the First Prize for Outstanding Research Achievements from the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences in 2021. He spent his sabbatical year at State University of New York at Binghamton in 2007. His current research interests are thermal protection system, structural dynamics of aerospace systems, smart structure and material, and opto-mechanics.

Konkuk University, South Korea
Invite Speaker II:
"New Approaches for the Guidance, Navigation, and Control of Orbital Robotics in On-Orbit Servicing Applications "
Abstract: With an ever-increasing number of satellite operations in Earth’s orbit, the demand for space debris removal and on-orbit servicing has become a necessity. Space debris removal and on-orbit servicing are essential to the continuation of safe space exploration. Within orbital robotics, the proposal of new advanced control approaches and AI-based techniques are required for the guidance and control of space robots in space. Τasks such as inspecting, refuelling, upgrading, repairing, or rescuing satellites, removing of orbital debris, and construction and maintenance of large orbital assets and infrastructures are important for maintenance of space infrastructure on orbit. In addition, the application of advanced control approaches and AI-based algorithms for the navigation and path planning of deep space spacecraft devoted to the exploration of harsh environments is fundamental to enable the implementation and development of reliable and safe autonomous systems. On-orbit servicing provides an opportunity to extend mission life of damaged or fuel-depleted satellites as well as repair and correct any issues that need to be addressed physically. On orbit assembly will provide flexibility to many future space mission designs. From building structures for human habitation on Mars or the Lunar surface, to building telescopes and large space structures, the application of robots will play a vital role in accomplishing the upcoming milestones. The assembly of these infrastructures in space will involve intricate tasks with high requirements of reliability, efficiency, and safety. These tasks will require the deployment of autonomous robots, particularly for tasks characterized by repetitive, structured, and standardized operations. New approaches and AI techniques for the Guidance, Navigation and Control of spacecraft and space robotics are discussed highlighting the application of these approaches to on-orbit serving, assembly and manufacturing tasks.
Jorge Pomares (Prof. Dr.) belongs to the Department of Physics, Systems Engineering and Signal Theory at the University of Alicante since 2001. Since December 2017 he is Full Professor in the aforementioned department in the area of systems engineering and automatics, being founder of the Human Robotics research group. His research career has focused on the field of robotics, visual servoing, space robotics, robot control and manipulation. Within these fields he has participated in more than 20 research projects. The projects he has led are within the scope of space robotics, robot guidance by vision, visual servoing and control of robotic systems. These projects have allowed not only the development of robot guidance strategies but also the design of new approaches for the control of robotic systems. In addition, he has worked on the design of new strategies for guiding robots of different characteristics: space robotics, robot manipulators, robotic hands, mobile robots, mobile manipulators, exoskeletons, etc. Within this field he is author of more than 50 JCR articles and more than 100 contributions to international conferences. Throughout his research career he has collaborated with different research groups in the field of robotics, space robotics, and robot control systems. These collaborations have been focused on the development of new methods of nonlinear control and filtering for robotic applications. This research has aimed at solving control, estimation and filtering problems in advanced models of robotic manipulators and vehicles. The methods which have been developed are generic and applicable to a wide range of robotic systems. The control methods developed have been addressed to the following types of robots: space robotics, multi-DOF rigid-link robots, manipulators subject to input/output delays, underactuated robots and redundant manipulators, closed-chain robotic systems, exoskeletons, and flexible-link robots.
Speakers in 2025 to be announced soon......

University of Alicante, Spain